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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

50 Best Moltivational Status

Helo Guyz Gud To See You Here I See Many People In Daily Life Who Dream About The Success N Dream To Earn Money Only Dream .. When They Begin To Try  They Thinks The Possiblity Of Success Is 50/50 But After A Short Period Of Time They Give Up This Occurs In Many Fields Like In RealtionShips,Working Fields, Etc So Today I Have Searched The Top 50 Status That Moltivates You To Reach Till Your Dreams - Lets Begin

  1. Every Champion Was Once A Contendter Who ReFused To Give Up..
  2. To Win The Game, Just Remain In The Game..
  3. Time For Change Take Action..
  4. In The End We Regret The Chances We Didn't Take
  5. Its Better To Have One Loyal Woman By Your Side Than Ten Fake Friends
  6. Never Tell Any One Your Plans, Show Them Results Instead
  7. Say What You Feel. Its Not Being Rude Its Called Being Real
  8. Falling Down Is An Accident,
    Staying Down Is A Choice..
  9. Work For It More Than You Talk About It
  10. One Day All Those Late Nights
    And Early Mornings Will Pay OFF
  11. Dont Expect People To Understand Your Grind
    When God Didnt Give Them Your Vision
  12. If you Make Safe Choices You Will Never Acheive What You  Truely Wanted
  13. How Others See You Is Not Important .. How You See Yourself Is Everything..
  14. Haveing Kids Doesnt Makes You A Father But Growing Them Makes You A Father
  15. Trust Youself Youve Survived A Lot And You'll Survive Whatever Is Comeing
  16. May My Haters Live Long To See My Success
  17. Do It For Them Who Wanted You To Be A Failure
  18. When You Feel Like Giveing Up Remmeber Why U Started
  19. Stay Silent At That Place Where Cheap People Show Their Real face
  20. A Real Man Knows The Value oF The Work..
  21. People Will Hate You And Break you
    But how Strong You Stand Is What Makes You
  22. In The End Youll Know Who Is Fake, Who's True
    And Who Will Risk It For You
  23. Shit Happens When You Meet Wrong People
  24. Dont Listen To People What People Say
    You Do They Will See..
  25. Instead Of Judgeing People By Their Past Stand By Them And Help Repair Thir Future
  26. A RealMan Handles His Bussiness And Tkes Care OF His Family
  27. The Happiness OF Yourself Depends On The Qualityu Of Your Thoughts
  28. Somne People Are Not Loyal To You They Are Loyal To The Need OF You Once Thir Need Changes It Changes Thir Loyalty
  29. IF You Feel Like You Deserve Bettter It Beacuse You Do..
  30. It Is Your Road And Yours Alone Others May Walk It With You But No One Can Walk It For You
  31. I Would Stay Quiet Than Explain My Plans To People Who Dont Care
  32. LiFE Is Short Smile While You Still Have Teeth
  33. Be So Busy Improveuing Yourself That You Have No Time To Criticise Others
  34. Im Sorry If You Dont Like My Honesty But To Be Fair I Dont Like Your Lies
  35. Worring Is A Waste OF Time .It Doesnt Change AnyThing..!
    It Mess With Your Mind And Steal Your HAPPINESS
  36. Close Some Doors Not Beacuse Of Pride Incapicity Or Arrogance But Simply Beacuse They No Longer Lead Some Where
  37. Fake People Have An Image To MainTain Real people Just Dont Give A F#ck
  38. A Champion Is One Who Gets Up Even When He Cant
  39. Stop Saying - I Wish
    Start Saying - I Will
  40. Be What You Want To Be Not What Others Want To See You
  41. Kill Them With Success Burry Them With A Smile
  42. You Are The Creator OF Your OWN Destiny Belive Yourself
  43. Never Dream About Success You Should Work For It
  44. Push Yourself Beacuse No One Other Gonna Do It For You
  45. No Excuses..!
  46. The Distance Between Your Dream And Your Self Is Action
  47. Decision Defines Destiny..
  48. Do Not Give up, The Beginning Is Always The Hardest.
  49. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
  50. Do Not Tolerate Disrespect Not Even From Yourself

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